Untouchable: the Rise and Fall of Harvey Weinstein review – films like – AuthenticAfrican

Posted on by Lucy Mangan

What’s it like to be cajoled, threatened and blackmailed by a sexual predator who has power, history and society on his side?

Untouchable: The Rise and Fall of Harvey Weinstein (BBC Two), directed by Ursula MacFarlane, is a film of halting testimonies, long pauses, lips pressed tightly together and eyes filling with tears. Of women struggling to articulate what they have left unsaid sometimes for decades, and what has gone unsaid by our sex – en masse – throughout history, until now.

You probably know the basic story – by osmosis if nothing else – so heavily was the media mogul’s eventual fall covered when the weight of evidence finally became too much for a man of even his resources to withstand.

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